Maker Bee

Knit happens.
December 20, 2005, 2:09 pm
Filed under: sticks & string | Tags: ,

So before ya’ll get too confident in my crafting abilities i thought i would post my latest miserable failure in land of craft.

this weekend, with only a small amount of knitting to finish before christmas, i decided to add more to my plate, just to make things more interesting.


see! aren’t they so cute? so of course it was sunday, and the yarn store was closed, and i didn’t have the right yarn or the right needles…. you know where this is going, right? oh well i can make it work with some yarn from my stash.

I set off with passion and knat up all the peices. i did run out to joann and get some fun fur for the beard… see it looks like a furry thong.

“wow these pieces are a lot bigger than i thought they would be” *

*(when using yarn & needles bigger than the pattern calls for, you will get bigger peices. duh beth)

so i sewed up the body and head & stuffed ’em. see how the head in the first pic is white? yeah i didn’t have any flesh colored yarn so i used white. after stitching it up i thought that it looked dumb so i used so face powder to tint it to skin tone. that work pretty good! i’m feeling pretty confident. (please note that it will be all downhill from here) – so i’m happy about the head but less than happy about the body. i used those hacky sack type beads to make the butt heavy so it sat up straight but the polyfil was showing thru the black knit. this of course goes back to the fact that i didn’t have the right yarn and used needles that were too big. the stitch wasn’t tight enough. oh well move on. maybe it will work out.

next step the legs.

ok that looks fucking ridiculous. that foot is huge. kids, i can recognize creative failure when i see it and this, my friends, is failure. this is where i leave this project and continue on with the xmas gift knitting – hoping to put all this unpleasantness behind me.

any body want a faceless one-legged gnome for xmas?