Maker Bee

xmas gift 4
December 14, 2005, 2:06 pm
Filed under: sticks & string | Tags: , ,

a felted handbag for pam.

fulled lopi tote from hello yarn. 2 1/2 skeins of brown patons upcounty and size 13 circs.

how to make this: first you knit a huge ass sack (see figure 1) and then you throw it in the washing machine in hot water with a little palmolive. pull it out before the spin cycle, rinse it out real good and sit it up to dry. i like to shove something square in there and then it holds the mitered shape. (see figure 2) it will shrink up to about 2/3 of its original size. the sparkley pin shows scale. pretty nifty, huh?

I made a blue one of these for pam for her birthday and she requested a brown one for christmas.

the blue bag